Archive for December, 2019

Dec 04 2019

Electric and Magnetic Fields

Jon Rogawski has a cool diagram and calculation using Faraday’s Law on page 979 of his Multivariable Calculus book*. The magnetic field around the straight wire with an alternating current flowing in it produces a voltage in an adjacent looped wire with no conventional energy applied except that from the other wire.

Of course this magnetic field, and likewise for electric fields, must have a pervasive field in which to transmit. One may say it transmits through the air, however Faraday’s law also applies in space.

These E and B fields transmit by turning and bending the E and B fields of the dense gamma rays.

* Rogawski, Jon, “Multivariable Calculus”, W. H. Freeman and Company, c. 2008

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Dec 04 2019


Published by under Astrophysics

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe was pulled to high speed toward the sun by the sun’s strong gravity, while plasma and the solar wind were coming the other way. The nuclei in the solar wind fly away from the sun at incredible speed, not pulled by gravity and possibly pushed by the high flux of gamma rays.

No time to write longer entries. Working full time as an engineer again.

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