Archive for March, 2020

Mar 14 2020


Published by under General Relativity

There are many college campus closures due to COVID-19 at this time. Of course this is something we all regret, however it does go a long way in preventing Generation Z from being told in person that gravity is due to General Relativity.

In high school I took all the math that was offered at the highest level offered, advanced biology, and advanced chemistry. I took no physics until college, and only after one semester of calculus. Fortunately Professor Blanchard told us that the cause of gravity was unknown. When I first heard this at age 18, I figured that gravity was probably due to a mass like the earth creating a void in space that other objects were trying to fall into.

On something completely unrelated here, after studying Saturday night at College Library I would wander across the street to Memorial Union to watch Saturday Night Live where it would be on in a room on the first floor. The door to the Union I entered is no longer there, due to reconstruction.

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