Archive for the 'Bible' Category

Apr 14 2013

Science class from this morning

Published by under Bible

Modern Science in the age of Modern History (Modern Era)

Science, systematized knowledge derived from observation, study, and experimentation carried on in order to determine the nature or principles of what is being studied.
– Webster, 1975

Authority to develop science found early in the Bible: Genesis 1:26-28

Ancient Science:  “Children in whom was no blemish, but well favoured, and skilful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as had ability in them to stand in the king’s palace, and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans.”  -Daniel 1:4

Since at least 600 years before Christ, there has been an effort to learn and know science.  What science and engineering would have been documented at this time?

Modern Science, the past 513 years, is characterized by a relatively rapid pace of developments in mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology, chemistry, and medicine, and coincides with the Protestant Reformation and the Renaissance.  Science advanced at a rapid pace during this period due to invention of the printing press, mathematical discovery, and the scientific method.  A few of the key mathematicians of the Modern Era were:  Blaise Pascal, 1623 – 1662; Isaac Newton, 1642 – 1727; Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 1646 – 1716; Leonhard Euler, 1707 – 1783; Joseph Fourier 1768 – 1830; Carl Friedrich Gauss, 1777 – 1855; Augustin-Louis Cauchy, 1789 – 1857; Bernhard Riemann, 1826 – 1866

The basic notation used in Calculus today was set by Leibniz of Germany.

Gutenberg Bible was in Latin, 1450’s.  Luther translated the Bible into German.

Martin Luther and the other reformers did their work in the bridge from the Middle Ages to the Modern Era.  Luther’s undergraduate education included math and science:

Until the Lord returns, there will always be a debate between the secular point of view and a Biblical point of view on science:

“Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.”  – Psalm 100:3

Many scientists were, and are, motivated by faith.  (literary support of this has been brought to class for those who would like to read some of it), Matthew Maury, Michael Faraday, Johannes Kepler

For young people, math and science require a disciplined approach:  “O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:  Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.”  – 1 Timothy 6: 20, 21

Algebra, trigonometry, Calculus, matrix algebra, scalar products, vector products, vector spaces, Fourier series, all used in physics today

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Nov 10 2007

Bible Passages and Verses

Published by under Bible

Psalm 103 (KJV):
1 Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
4 Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and  tender mercies;
5 Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
6 The Lord executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed.
7 He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel.
8 The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.
9 He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger for ever.
10 He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.
11 For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.
12 As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.
13 Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him.
14 For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.
15 As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field so he flourisheth.
16 For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more.
17 But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children’s children;
18 To such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them.
19 The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all.
20 Bless the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.
21 Bless ye the Lord, all ye his hosts; ye ministers of his that do his pleasure.
22 Bless the Lord, all his works in all places of his dominion: bless the Lord, O my soul.

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