Apr 10 2008
The Nucleus and Gravitons
There is another possibility, as opposed to total deflection, for what happens when gravitons encounter a nucleus. Since the makings of an electron exist inside a neutron, and neutrons and protons have their own spin functions going on inside, it is not outside the realm of possibilities that atomic nuclei, each when part of its own functional atom, absorb gravitons.
What a nucleus in a gravitational field, the earth’s let’s say, would do with all this absorbed energy is not too hard to imagine. The Coulomb field of an atom is full of electromagnetic wave activity involved with keeping electrons in orbit, and some of that energy may escape. Therefore we would have gravitational energy replenishing Coulomb energy through both the electrons and the nucleus of an atom.
The synchronization involved as a graviton enters a nucleus would have to be just as smooth as when one enters an electron in a quantum atomic orbital in order for the nucleus to not have been pushed by the absorbed gravitons. Also, inflow of energy must balance outflow in order for there to be a steady-state, steady-flow process. In this case it is only those gravitons which pass near the edge of a nucleus that would have to be deflected by its local magnetic field.
If you have read it and remember, my April 2007 paper already has the Coulomb force as the final mediator of the gravitational force.